Master Trainer - STE@M Mentoring Programs - Sacramento, CA

13 Jul 2017 10:49 AM | Anonymous

Master Trainer - Sacramento, CA  

Who is eligible to be a Master Trainer (MT)?

ØØ MT’s have an interest and expertise in helping students figure out what to do with their life after high school.

ØØ Master Trainers are retired educators, career counselors, and parents. Individuals who have personal relationships with our potential Clients or are able to develop those relationships quickly.

ØØ Master Trainers need to be personable, outgoing, ready & willing to promote & support the STE@M™ Mentoring Programs.

ØØ  Master Trainer:

  • o   Excel at organizing & delivering training
  • o   Wants to expand their income based on personal effort
  • o   Has a track record of championing the STE@M™ Mentoring Programs

What does a Master Trainer do?

1. Master Trainers set up & implement the STE@M™ Mentoring Program MasterMind for middle school or high school students. Currently, a MasterMind has 8 sessions, 60-­‐90 minutes each + a CELEBRATION.

  • 2       Master Trainers set up & conduct Professional Development Training for Educators on the STE@M™ Mentoring Program. MT’s provide follow up implementation support for the Educators s/he trains.
  • 3       MT’s set up & deliver Event presentations

How are Master Trainers compensated?       See MT Compensation chart.

ØØ MT’s are Independent Contractors, compensated via 1099. They are responsible for their own expenses. MT’s Trainers are compensated in 5 Categories:

  • o   Conducting MasterMinds
  • o   Professional Development
  • o   Event Presentations
  • o   Playbook sales
  • o   Referring others to be MT’s

What is the Training Fee to be a Master Trainer?

ØØ  The 2017 fee is $1,500 with an annual renewal of $500.


What training is required to become a Master Trainer?

ØØ  Training includes participation in the Professional Development Training.

ØØ  Future MTs set up & conduct a Master Mind + Celebration at school of their choice.

ØØ MT’s are trained on how to promote and present the Programs to Clients. Training will be via SKYPE or in person.

ØØ Ongoing coaching with me as needed.

Who are the organizations that will sponsor STE@M™ Mentoring Programs?

We have 3 Client groups:

ØØ Government, Education & Community organizations: Workforce Development, Labor Dept.CA Chancellor’s Office: Doing What Matters; School Districts, County Offices of Education, Charter & Private Schools, Home School Networks.

ØØ Private Sector: Corporations & Tutoring organizations who have an interest in STEM & workforce development.

ØØ   Non-­‐Profits who have a focus on STEM, education, workforce development, girls & after school programs.

Do Master Trainers have a restricted territory?

ØØ Not at this point. As a new program, each MT has their choice of where they want to focus their efforts to develop & grow their MT business. We will discuss possibilities and, with assistance from me, the MT will develop their own marketing plan to reach specific Clients.

For additional information: Cari Lyn Vinci



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